We strongly urge you to practice good Judgment and keep the following tips in your mind.
- Always Post a product which is in good condition to rent.
- Upload Original photos of the product so that people can trust you.
- Don’t try to mislead the people by uploading fake photos.
- Always add genuine description of the product, People are not fool.
- Try to meet a person at a safe place.
- You can also ask ID card from a person to whom you are renting in order to avoid any kind of fraud.
- It is best to settle down the deal in cash which is simple a hassle free.
- Always remember that never disclose your financial Information to others.
Protecting rentkaro.pk Account details?
Never tell your password to others. Always use difficult passwords and do not store them in browser www.sellhouse-asis.com. Store them at a safer place. If you find that some one knows your password change it.